2001.12.19: Version 1.2 is out, with a few minor bugfixes. Go to the download page to get it.
2001.12.17: GPL Source is now available! Check out the download page to ... download it! (this should work okay under linux, and probably other SDL-supported OS's)
2001.12.14: Haha. If Practice mode seemed really hard, try 1.01. I don't know how
that got through our extensive beta-test period. ;)
2001.12.14: Magic Crayon Conundrum is now for the first time,
publicly available for Windows! Get it from our download page!
2001.12.01:This site is the home page of the puzzle game Magic Crayon Conundrum.
On Dec 01, we completed an initial release and submitted it to
the judges of an SDL Game programming
What Is Magic Crayon Conundrum?
Magic Crayon Conundrum, or MCC as we sometimes call it, is a new puzzle game, inspired
by some old Neo
It's a game of wit and reflexes, in which you rearrange crayons so that like colored
crayons touch, so that they react and vanish. If you're not fast enough, your screen
will fill, and you will lose.
Give it a try!